Corridori Viaggi

Vatican Museums Sistine Chapel Private

The Tour

For a special visit to its famous museums and the Sistine Chapel, an opportunity you really don’t want to miss. On this tour with an expert guide, you will be able to see the best of the Vatican, including its incredible Renaissance art, the Gallery of Maps, the Raphael Rooms and, of course, the Sistine Chapel. This entry is only possible for individuals who book in advance, so it’s a good idea to book now to visit the Vatican without the crowds!

Tour Description

Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel

You will follow your guide through the astonishing Vatican museum complex which includes almost 2,000 different rooms. Even if you had a full day, it would be impossible to visit it all, so the expert guide will solve every problem by showing all the rooms and the most unmissable works of art!

As you explore this exciting labyrinth of galleries and apartments, you will see Egyptian relics and Etruscan art artefacts alongside the incredible works of art by legendary Renaissance painters Raphael and Michelangelo. The main points of interest on this tour include the Gallery of Geographical Maps, which houses 40 frescoes representing maps dating back to 1580, the Raphael Rooms, four interconnected rooms decorated with paintings by Raphael and his pupils.

Finally, you will reach the room you have been waiting for: the beautiful Sistine Chapel. After the guide has explained the meaning of this sacred place in the Vatican, you will have about 15 minutes to wander around inside and admire it in wonder. It will be possible to see Michelangelo’s famous fresco on the ceiling, the Creation of Adam, and The Last Judgment, a magnificent fresco that dominates one of the walls of the chapel.

The tour will end outside the Sistine Chapel and you will be allowed to enter St. Peter’s Basilica, you will be able to spend as much time as you want in the splendid St. Peter’s Square, where you can take photos!

The Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel

What will leave you breathless on the Vatican tour is undoubtedly the Sistine Chapel, one of the best-known cultural and artistic treasures in the world. The conclave and other official papal ceremonies have taken place inside it for centuries. The message of the Vault and of the entire Sistine Chapel is a message of universal faith. In Michelangelo Buonarroti’s frescoes with the “Last Judgment” Michelangelo’s artistic genius is expressed in all its majesty.

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